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class Athena::Console::Question::Choice(T)
inherits Athena::Console::Question::AbstractChoice #

A question whose answer MUST be within a set of predefined answers. If the user enters an invalid answer, an error is displayed and they are prompted again.

question = "What is your favorite color?", {"red", "blue", "green"}
color = helper.ask input, output, question

This would display something like the following:

What is your favorite color?
 [0] red
 [1] blue
 [2] green

The user would be able to enter the name of the color, or the index associated with it. E.g. blue or 2 for green. If a Hash is used as the choices, the key of each choice is used instead of its index.

Similar to ACON::Question, the third argument can be set to set the default choice. This value can also either be the actual value, or the index/key of the related choice.

question = "What is your favorite color?", {"c1" => "red", "c2" => "blue", "c3" => "green"}, "c2"
color = helper.ask input, output, question

Which would display something like :

What is your favorite color?
 [c1] red
 [c2] blue
 [c3] green


.new(question : String, choices : Hash(String | Int32, T), default : T | Nil = nil)#

.new(question : String, choices : Indexable(T), default : Int | T | Nil = nil)#