class Athena::Console::Completion::Suggestions
inherits Reference
Stores all the suggested values/options for the current ACON::Completion::Input
#suggest_option(option : ACON::Input::Option) : self
Adds the provided option to #suggested_options
#suggest_options(options : Enumerable(ACON::Input::Option)) : self
Adds each of the provided options to #suggested_options
#suggest_value(value : String, description : String = "") : self
Adds the provided value, and optional description to #suggested_values
#suggest_value(value : ACON::Completion::Suggestions::SuggestedValue) : self
Adds the provided value to #suggested_values
#suggest_values(values : Enumerable(String)) : self
Adds each of the provided values to #suggested_values
#suggest_values(*values : String) : self
Adds each of the provided values to #suggested_values
Returns an array of the suggested ACON::Input::Option
Returns an array of the ACON::Completion::Suggestions::SuggestedValue