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module Athena::Console::Formatter::OutputStyleInterface #

Output styles represent reusable formatting information that can be used when formatting output messages. Athena::Console comes bundled with a few common styles including:

  • error
  • info
  • comment
  • question

Whenever you output text via an ACON::Output::Interface, you can surround the text with tags to color its output. For example:

# Green text
output.puts "<info>foo</info>"

# Yellow text
output.puts "<comment>foo</comment>"

# Black text on a cyan background
output.puts "<question>foo</question>"

# White text on a red background
output.puts "<error>foo</error>"

Custom Styles#

Custom styles can also be defined/used:

my_style = :red, "#f87b05", Colorize::Mode[:bold, :underline]
output.formatter.set_style "fire", my_style

output.puts "<fire>foo</>"

Global Custom Styles#

You can also make your style global by extending ACON::Application and adding it within the #configure_io method:

class MyCustomApplication < ACON::Application
  protected def configure_io(input : ACON::Input::Interface, output : ACON::Output::Interface) : Nil

    my_style = :red, "#f87b05", Colorize::Mode[:bold, :underline]
    output.formatter.set_style "fire", my_style

Inline Styles#

Styles can also be defined inline when printing a message:

# Using named colors
output.puts "<fg=green>foo</>"

# Using hexadecimal colors
output.puts "<fg=#c0392b>foo</>"

# Black text on a cyan background
output.puts "<fg=black;bg=cyan>foo</>"

# Bold text on a yellow background
output.puts "<bg=yellow;options=bold>foo</>"

# Bold text with underline.
output.puts "<options=bold,underline>foo</>"

Commands can use the special href tag to display links within the console.

output.puts "<href=>Athena</>"

If your terminal supports it, you would be able to click the text and have it open in your default browser. Otherwise, you will see it as regular text.

Direct including types



abstract #add_option(option : Colorize::Mode) : Nil#

Adds a text mode to self.

abstract #apply(text : String) : String#

Applies self to the provided text.

abstract #background=(background : Colorize::Color)#

Sets the background color of self.

abstract #foreground=(foreground : Colorize::Color)#

Sets the foreground color of self.

abstract #remove_option(option : Colorize::Mode) : Nil#

Removes a text mode to self.