class Athena::EventDispatcher::EventDispatcher
inherits Reference
Default implementation of AED::EventDispatcherInterface
Included modules
Direct known subclasses
#dispatch(event : AED::Event) : AED::Event
Dispatches the provided event to all listeners listening on that event. Listeners are executed in priority order, highest first.
#has_listeners?(event_class : AED::Event.class) : Bool
Returns true
if this dispatcher has any listeners on the provided event_class.
#listener(callable : AED::Callable) : AED::Callable
Registers the provided callable listener to this dispatcher.
#listener(listener : T) : Nil forall T
Registers the provided listener instance to this dispatcher.
is any type that has methods annotated with AEDA::AsEventListener
#listener(callable : AED::Callable, *, priority : Int32) : AED::Callable
Registers the provided callable listener to this dispatcher, overriding its priority with that of the provided priority.
#listener(event_class : E.class, *, priority : Int32 = 0, name : String | Nil = nil, &block : E, AED::EventDispatcherInterface -> Nil) : AED::Callable forall E
Registers the block as an AED::Callable
on the provided event_class, optionally with the provided priority and/or name.
#listeners(for event_class : AED::Event.class) : Array(AED::Callable)
Returns an Array(AED::Callable)
for all listeners on the provided event_class.
#listeners : Hash(AED::Event.class, Array(AED::Callable))
Returns a hash of all registered listeners as a Hash(AED::Event.class, Array(AED::Callable))
#remove_listener(callable : AED::Callable) : Nil
Deregisters the provided callable from this dispatcher.
The callable may be one retrieved via either #listeners
#remove_listener(listener : T) : Nil forall T
Deregisters listeners based on the provided listener from this dispatcher.
is any type that has methods annotated with AEDA::AsEventListener