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class Athena::Validator::Spec::MockContextualValidator
inherits Reference #

A spec implementation of AVD::Validator::ContextualValidatorInterface.

Allows settings the violations that should be returned, defaulting to no violations.

Included modules



.new(violations : AVD::Violation::ConstraintViolationListInterface =


#at_path(path : String) : AVD::Validator::ContextualValidatorInterface#

Appends the provided path to the current AVD::ExecutionContextInterface#property_path.

#validate(value : _, constraints : Array(AVD::Constraint) | AVD::Constraint | Nil = nil, groups : Array(String) | String | AVD::Constraints::GroupSequence | Nil = nil) : AVD::Validator::ContextualValidatorInterface#


#validate_property(object : AVD::Validatable, property_name : String, groups : Array(String) | String | AVD::Constraints::GroupSequence | Nil = nil) : AVD::Validator::ContextualValidatorInterface#


#validate_property_value(object : AVD::Validatable, property_name : String, value : _, groups : Array(String) | String | AVD::Constraints::GroupSequence | Nil = nil) : AVD::Validator::ContextualValidatorInterface#


#violations : AVD::Violation::ConstraintViolationListInterface#

Returns any violations that have been generated so far in the context of self.