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class Athena::Validator::Constraints::File
inherits Athena::Validator::Constraint #

Validates that a value is a valid file. If the underlying value is a ::File, then its path is used as the value. Otherwise the value is converted to a string via #to_s before being validated, which is assumed to be a path to a file.


As with most other constraints, nil and empty strings are considered valid values, in order to allow the value to be optional. If the value is required, consider combining this constraint with AVD::Constraints::NotBlank.

class Profile
  include AVD::Validatable

  def initialize(@resume : ::File); end

  property resume : ::File


Optional Arguments#


Type: Int | String | Nil Default: nil

Defines that maximum size the file must be in order to be considered valid. The value may be an integer representing the size in bytes, or a format string in one of the following formats:

Suffix Unit Name Value Example
(none) byte 1 byte 4096
k kilobyte 1,000 bytes "200k"
M megabyte 1,000,000 bytes "2M"
Ki kibibyte 1,024 bytes "32Ki"
Mi mebibyte 1,048,576 bytes "8Mi"


Type: Enumerable(String)? Default: nil

If set, allows checking that the MIME type of the file is one of an allowed set of types. This value is ignored if the MIME type of the file could not be determined.


Type: Bool? Default: nil

When true, the sizes will be displayed in messages with binary-prefixed units (KiB, MiB). When false, the sizes will be displayed with SI-prefixed units (kB, MB). When nil, then the binaryFormat will be guessed from the value defined in the max_size option.


Type: String Default: The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.

The message that will be shown if the file is greater than the max_size.


The following placeholders can be used in this message:

  • {{ file }} - Absolute path to the invalid file.
  • {{ limit }} - Maximum file size allowed.
  • {{ name }} - Basename of the invalid file.
  • {{ size }} - The size of the invalid file.
  • {{ suffix }} - Suffix for the used file size unit.


Type: String Default: The file could not be found.

The message that will be shown if no file could be found at the given path.


The following placeholders can be used in this message:

  • {{ file }} - Absolute path to the invalid file.


Type: String Default: An empty file is not allowed.

The message that will be shown if the file is empty.


The following placeholders can be used in this message:

  • {{ file }} - Absolute path to the invalid file.
  • {{ name }} - Basename of the invalid file.


Type: String Default: The file is not readable.

The message that will be shown if the file is not readable.


The following placeholders can be used in this message:

  • {{ file }} - Absolute path to the invalid file.
  • {{ name }} - Basename of the invalid file.


Type: String Default: The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.

The message that will be shown if the MIME type of the file is not one of the valid mime_types.


The following placeholders can be used in this message:

  • {{ file }} - Absolute path to the invalid file.
  • {{ name }} - Basename of the invalid file.
  • {{ type }} - The MIME type of the invalid file.
  • {{ types }} - The list of allowed MIME types.


Type: Array(String) | String | Nil Default: nil

The validation groups this constraint belongs to. AVD::Constraint::DEFAULT_GROUP is assumed if nil.


Type: Hash(String, String)? Default: nil

Any arbitrary domain-specific data that should be stored with this constraint. The payload is not used by Athena::Validator, but its processing is completely up to you.

Direct known subclasses



EMPTY_ERROR = "de1a4b3c-a69f-46bd-b017-4a60361a1765"#

INVALID_MIME_TYPE_ERROR = "96c8591c-e990-48f6-b82b-75c878ae9fd9"#

NOT_FOUND_ERROR = "b6ae563c-4aec-4dfa-b268-2bb282912ed8"#

NOT_READABLE_ERROR = "e9f18a3d-f968-469f-868e-2331c8c982c2"#

TOO_LARGE_ERROR = "4ce61d7c-43a0-44c2-bfe0-a59072b6cd17"#


.new(max_size : Int | String | Nil = nil, binary_format : Bool | Nil = nil, mime_types : Enumerable(String) | Nil = nil, not_found_message : String = "The file could not be found.", not_readable_message : String = "The file is not readable.", empty_message : String = "An empty file is not allowed.", max_size_message : String = "The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.", mime_type_message : String = "The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.", groups : Array(String) | String | Nil = nil, payload : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil)#


#binary_format? : Bool#

#empty_message : String#

#max_size : Int64 | ::Nil#

#max_size_message : String#

#mime_type_message : String#

#mime_types : Set(String) | ::Nil#

#not_found_message : String#

#not_readable_message : String#

#validated_by : AVD::ConstraintValidator.class#

Returns the AVD::ConstraintValidator.class that should handle validating self.