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module Athena::Framework::View::FormatHandlerInterface #

Represents custom logic that should be applied for a specific format in order to render an ATH::View into an ATH::Response that is not handled by default by Athena. E.g. HTML.

# Register our handler as a service.
class HTMLFormatHandler
  # Implement the interface.
  include Athena::Framework::View::FormatHandlerInterface

  # :inherit:
  # Turn the provided data into a response that can be returned to the client.
  def call(view_handler : ATH::View::ViewHandlerInterface, view : ATH::ViewBase, request : ATH::Request, format : String) : ATH::Response "<h1>#{}</h1>", headers: HTTP::Headers{"content-type" => "text/html"}

  # :inherit:
  # Specify that `self` handles the `HTML` format.
  def format : String

The implementation for HTML for example could use .to_s as depicted here, or utilize a templating engine, possibly taking advantage of custom annotations to allow specifying the related template name.


TAG = "athena.format_handler"#


abstract #call(view_handler : ATH::View::ViewHandlerInterface, view : ATH::View, request : ATH::Request, format : String) : ATH::Response#

Responsible for returning an ATH::Response for the provided view and request in the provided format.

The ATH::View::ViewHandlerInterface is also provided to ease response creation.

abstract #format : String#

Returns the format that self handles.

The format must be registered with the ATH::Request::FORMATS hash; either as a built in format, or a custom one that has registered via ATH::Request.register_format.