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The Athena::Console component allows creating CLI based commands. This integration can be a way to define alternate entry points into your business logic, such as for use with scheduled jobs (Cron, Airflow, etc), or one-off internal/administrative things (running migrations, creating users, etc).


First, install the component by adding the following to your shard.yml, then running shards install:

    github: athena-framework/console
    version: ~> 0.3.5


In its most basic form, a ACON::Command consists of an #execute method that provides access to input and output of the command and returns a ACON::Command::Status member.

@[ACONA::AsCommand("app:create-user", description: "Manually create a user with the provided username")]
class CreateUserCommand < ACON::Command
  protected def execute(input : ACON::Input::Interface, output : ACON::Output::Interface) : Status
    # Implement all the business logic here.

    # Indicates the command executed successfully.

However, in most cases the command will need to be configured to better fit its use case. Commands may also implement a #configure method to accomplish this. This method is where the ACON::Input::Arguments and ACON::Input::Options may be defined, but also additional help output, aliases, etc.

protected def configure : Nil
    .argument("username", :required, "The username of the user")


The core of the console component is the ACON::Application type which is where all the registered ACON::Commands are stored as well as what controls what built-in command(s), global input options (flags), and ACON::Helpers are available. In most cases it provides a good starting point, but may be extended/customized if needed.

# Create an ACON::Application, passing it the name of your CLI.
# Optionally accepts a second argument representing the version of the application.
application = "My CLI"

# Register commands using the `#add` method

# Or register a block as a command directly
application.register "foo" do |input, output, cmd|
  # Do stuff


# Run the application.
# By default this uses STDIN and STDOUT for its input and output.


The console component best works in conjunction with a dedicated Crystal file that'll be used as the entry point. Ideally this file is compiled into a dedicated binary for use in production, but is invoked directly while developing. Otherwise, any changes made to the files it requires would not be represented. The most basic example would be:

#!/usr/bin/env crystal

# Require the component and anything extra needed based on your business logic.
require "athena-console"

application = "My CLI"

# Add any commands defined externally,
# or configure/customize the application as needed.

The shebang allows executing the file as a command without needing the crystal prefix. For example ./console list would list all commands.

Console Completion#

Athena's completion script can be installed to provide auto tab completion out of the box for command and option names, and values in some cases. The script currently supports the shells: bash (also requires the bash-completion package), fish, and zsh. Run ./console completion --help for installation instructions based on your shell.


The completion script only needs to be installed once, but is specific to the binary used to generate it. E.g. ./console completion would be scoped to the console binary, while ./myapp completion would be scoped to myapp.

Once installed, restart your terminal, and you should be good to go!


The completion script may only be used with real built binaries, not temporary ones such as crystal run src/ -- completion. This is to ensure the performance of the script is sufficient, and to avoid any issues with the naming of the temporary binary.

Learn More#